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RegisterObjectForExport (Activity)

The RegisterObjectForExport Activity creates a new proxy instance of a specified UBIK content object (target) and sets the export state to Queued for Export.



Register Object for Export
Name RegisterObjectForExport
Purpose Register an object for interface (create proxy object)
Category Data Exchange
Returns True if successfull
Version 2.1+


Argument Type Direction Purpose
UBIKObject BaseClass The target to create the proxy object for
MetaProxy MetaProxy In The MetaProxy to create the proxy instance
Proxy Proxy In The created proxy instance
Result Boolean Out True if proxy instance has been created


This activity creates a new proxy instance (of the given MetaProxy) for the specified target object. If created successfully, the export state is set to Queued for export.

IC Attention.pngThis activity does not automatically save changes. If you want to persist the newly created proxy instance, you need i.e. a subsequent SaveObject activity!


Register an UBIK object for interface:

Argument Value
UBIKObject Connect this argument with a variable for an UBIK object
MetaProxy Connect this argument with a variable for a MetaProxy
Proxy Connect this argument with a variable for a Proxy (out)

See also