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Native Push (Client)

Revision as of 08:00, 11 October 2024 by LGE (Talk | contribs)

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Just like the UBIK® push service, UBIK® native push also aims to ensure that the server side can actively deliver messages to the clients. However, it has a few major differences by comparison.

  • The native push uses the existing 3rd party solutions/infrastructure and is, therefore, dependent on the availability of those.
  • The native push is better supported by and integrated into the mobile platforms. So the delivery of the pushes is better guaranteed just like with other apps (e.g. email or online messaging apps).
IC Attention.pngNative push is only supported on the two mobile clients: Xamarin Android and Xamarin iOS.

Native push types

Currently, the only supported push type is text messages. Upon clicked, they simply launch the UBIK® client or bring it to the foreground if that's not the state of it yet.

Native push settings

You can turn native push on/off in the app's General settings section via the "Activate native push" setting.

IC Hint square.pngIf you use multiple profiles on the same device, it's possible that you continue receiving native pushes even after turning it off. Because the device might still be configured to receives them for the other profiles.

Technical background

In order to properly determine which pushes to receive or not, the client requires access to push topics from the server side.

When you login (online or offline), the client checks all available push topics and maintains the topic subscriptions accordingly. This also happens when you change the "Activate native push" setting to turn it on.

  • When you turn it off, the client unsubscribes from all topics available to the current user session.
IC Hint square.pngThe "Activate native push" setting is only enabled during a user session because it's only possible to maintain topic subscriptions with push topic objects.

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