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Version 3.7.1 (Server)

Revision as of 10:38, 3 May 2023 by NNE (Talk | contribs)

Version Release Date
3.7.1 2023.01.31

Initial Release

New features

  • MRO Plugins provides a new feature "Grouped Tasks"
  • CUI Event Notification Endpoints provides the possibility to add Databbase ID filters
  • Added support for OSIPI asset framework attributes
  • UBIK provides the possibility to enable an Auto - Deletion for certain objects such as
    • Service Logs
    • UBIK System Events
    • Event Notifications
    • ...
  • UBIK Enterprise Server
    • It is possible to configure whether unprocessed Command files get deleted from the watch folders during the startup of the Service
    • if configured (and not cleared), unprocessed Command files get queued for processing right after the startup of the Service
    • it is possible to configure multiple watch folders and their processors for file based imports
  • UBIK.Studio provides a set of new UI (Drag & Drop) Actions. Such as:
    • Automatic creation of a MetaClass Scope
    • Add MetaProperties to a MetaClass Scope
  • OSI Pi Plugin provides a new Source Property which enables to configure if a value is fetched from the asset framework (attributes)
  • The Class Browser now supports the auto-creation of MetaClassScopes as well as the auto-adding of MetaProperties to MetaClassScopes.


  • UBIK GroupRights Evaluator is provided via the the ACM Context now
    • It is possible to override the Method GetGroupRightsEvaluator if necessary
    • This gives the possibility to inject any Usecase specific GroupRights Evaluator
  • External document providers now have access to the login session (if they implement the new interface IExternalSessionAwareDocumentProvider)
  • UBIK Enterprise Server is able to execute multiple tasks in parallel now. Plugins do not get terminated once the first tasks finishes.
  • Objects in the View Test Environment are sorted now:
    • if objects have the SYSCLS_SORTEDITEM classification, they are sorted by their GroupID, followed by their OrderID, followed by their display strings.
    • if objects don't have the SYSCLS_SORTEDITEM classification they are sorted by their display strings only.
  • UBIK Hotspotting - Freetext Annotations support chinese characters when flattening them into pdf now
    • a new method SupportChineseCharacterSet() is available on the AnnotatedDocument
  • UBIK Compiler includes System.IO.Compression now. This enables the customizer to make use of compression functions (e.g. ZipFile) in his customizing code a/o debug window.

Bug Fixes

  • Password Information does not get shown in the Object Explorer any more
  • A database fix (executed during update to database version 3.7.1) solves the problem of unit - symbols being cut off
  • CUI Event Notification Scan Service was not able to process Notifications when returning from idle. This problem is fixed now.
  • Enterprise Server: A downward compatibility issue for configuration of watch folders via interface.xml files is fixed now.
  • A bug in processing Date Time Values on the Web Service is fixed now. Changing values by exact 1h (or 2h during daylight saving time) works now.
  • A problem when importing language specific characters (e.g. 'Ä', 'Ü', ...) during database update is fixed now.

Build History Web Service

  • 3.7.1 Build 15455 on 2023.01.23
    • Initial release.
  • 3.7.1 Build 15481 on 2023.03.07
  • 3.7.1 Build 15534 on 2023.04.13
  • 3.7.1 Build 15551 on 2023.05.03
    • UBIK Session management differs between Windows UWP and Windows Xamarin clients now. The correct UI customizing packages are provided to the clients now.

Build History UBIK.Studio

  • 3.7.1 Build 15464 on 2023.01.23
    • Initial release.
  • 3.7.1 Build 15481 on 2023.03.07
    • Null or empty string values can be processed when importing to reference proxy properties. The link will be updated as null (no reference).
    • Checkout feature was extended providing a Custom Exclusive Access classification object
  • 3.7.1 Build 15534 on 2023.04.13
    • UBIK Database Kernel is now able to process double.NaN, double.NegativeInfinity and double.PositiveInfinity. The resulting database value will be db null.
    • Importing a proxy which refers to itself does not create a 2nd (broken) proxy with the same external primary key. The proxy reference (to itself) is correct now.
    • Importing a proxy property takes 2nd bidirectional setting (master in case of conflict) in account now.
  • 3.7.1 Build 15551 on 2023.05.03

Build History UBIK.Plugins

  • 3.7.1 Build 15455 on 2023.01.23
    • Initial release.
  • 3.7.1 Build 15455 on 2023.01.23
    • A bug in processing document revisions is fixed now. An unexpected answer (from the rest api) does not stop the import any more.
    • The Session ID was removed from file of Comos Export file name.
  • 3.7.1 Build 15481 on 2023.03.07
    • CUI - The file based (old) import ignored the Ubik UID (when it was specified in the xml); this could lead to duplicate Proxies being created. This is fixed now.
    • CUI - The (file based) ComosImportManager provides a possibility to inject an Import Value Validator. This gives extra flexibility when applying usecase specific import logics.
    • CUI - A problem when updating empty link specs was fixed. It is possible to remove an imported link now.
    • Hotspotting - Flattening annotations into a revision does not update the original document any more - fixed.
    • Hotspotting - Flattening annotations into a rotated pdf adapts the annotations accordingly now.
    • Hotspotting - Merging a broken Hotspot Thumbnail does not destroy the original pdf any more.
  • 3.7.1 Build 15534 on 2023.04.13
    • An issue when importing handshake files from Comos is fixed now.
  • 3.7.1 Build 15551 on 2023.05.03

Build History UBIK.SmartStudio