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Smart Studio Beta History

Revision as of 16:44, 8 September 2017 by NWE (Talk | contribs) (Beta 21)

Beta 21


  • Graph views: Major UI performance enhancement
  • The source (environment/project) of models in a worksheet is now shown and can be changed
  • The Bulk Editor now supports more powerful features for editing queries and metaclasses
  • In the app graph, root queries are now supported


  • Merging changes
  • Bulk Editor
  • App graph connection handling
  • Saving worksheets to environment
  • Loading details
  • Drag & Drop

Known Problems:

  • Connections aren't shown correctly sometimes (invisible or wrong positions) - we're working on it.

Beta 20

  • Bugfixes
    • BulkEditor
    • Inheritance Graph & Inspector Editors
    • Saving to Environment
    • Removing models from the project

Beta 17 - 19

  • Bugfixes
  • Better diagnostic output

Beta 13 - 16

  • Introduced tutorial videos on start page
  • Improved performance and usability of practically all features by optmizing merging algorithm and parameterization
  • Bugfixes
    • Automatic import: Excel/Application import, Comos/MetaDefinition import (including Proxies for content import)
    • Selective list editor
    • Change propagation
    • Details loading
    • Prevention of inconsistent situations
    • Removing models and dependencies
    • Saving and loading projects and worksheets
  • Lots of usability improvements
    • Context menu available when right-clicking a worksheet
    • More intuitive selection behaviour
    • Direct navigation to relevant settings (by worksheet)
    • Showing the current change queue for change propagation (by worksheet; global and local change queue)
    • When opening a project, the worksheets are not opened automatically anymore

Attention: Projects saved with previous versions are very likely incompatible to this version.

Reminder: This is an early access version; we're working hard to improve the product, but work is still in progress. Please understand that the Smart Studio can not be expected to work perfectly yet. Productive use is not recommended.

Beta 12

  • Bugfixes
  • Performance improvements

Environment View

  • Local deployment uses local customizing assemblies instead of deployed assemblies
  • Local deployment generates a Visual Studio Solution including source code and symbols, for debugging customizing code

Beta 11

  • Fully incorporated logging (error) module
  • Bugfixes
  • Performance improvements

Environment View

  • Correct loading of PlugIns
  • Exposed Database settings in Inspector
  • Compilation now creates UBIK 3 assemblies
  • Local deployment now uses UBIK 3 WebServices and UBIK 3 WebClient
  • Injected modules are respected

Beta 10


  • Resolving relations in ApplicationGraph, where previously only references were supported
  • Bugfixes
  • Performance improvements

Start Page

  • New area for Local WebServices

Environment View

  • Local deployment of WebServices and WebClient (Menu item Local Test). This needs an installation of iisexpress, which is part of Visual Studio but can also be downloaded here.


  • The import format for applications from xls files has slightly changed. The first row will not be interpreted as header row anymore, therefore it is now possible to define the same property in the hierarchy multiple times (e.g adding a property Description to every class)

Beta 9


  • Drag&Drop targets are now indicated with Adorners (red corners)

Start Page

  • Export and Import of databases to/from .bacpac files
  • Support dropping .smconnection and .bacpac files

Bulk Editor

  • Support Multi-Instance editing incl. Undo
  • Configuration of Query Items
  • Creating a query from a MetaClass

Beta 8


  • Improved consistency maintenance
  • Bulk Editor improvements

Known Issues

  • Projects created in earlier versions cannot be opened anymore. Please re-create these projects by loading the data from the UBIK environment again and saving them to a new project.
  • Bulk editor loading takes some time.
  • UBIK object icons are not displayed correctly in Bulk Editor.
  • Every cell in the first row of the Excel template has to be unique.
  • Generated applications always use Reference View Items, Relation View Items are not supported yet.

Beta 7


  • Release preview (Staging) improved
  • App Graph auto-arrange fixed
  • Nullpointer checks and consistency checks for dealing with corrupted project content added
  • Performance improvements where collected SmartModels are shown (Project View and Inspector)

Known issues

  • Worksheet content can become inconsistent (for unknown reasons), e.g. duplicate smart models and loose connections
  • App Graph can only be released/staged when App and Context are specified

Bulk Editor

  • Queries can be evaluated

Known issues

  • Multilanguage property values are not resolved
  • Geo data changes do not visually mark an instance as changed (saving works though)
  • References do not verify their target types when set
  • Sorting only works correct for string and numeric values
  • Every cell in the first row of the Excel template has to be unique
  • Generated applications always use Reference View Items, Relation View Items are not supported yet

Beta 6

The builds on the release portal are faulty; please use build 7 instead!

Bulk Editor

  • Improved performance for Bulk Editor when releasing to UBIK environment
  • Several bugfixes regarding saving and merging, especially for content instances and project models

Known issues

  • Multilanguage property values are not resolved
  • Geo data changes do not visually mark an instance as changed (saving works though)
  • References do not verify their target types when set
  • Sorting only works correct for string and numeric values
  • Inconsistency problems can occur in worksheet
  • Release preview shows too many models
  • Release preview freezes sometimes
  • Every cell in the first row of the Excel template has to be unique
  • Generated applications always use Reference View Items, Relation View Items are not supported yet