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Fast Startup (Client)


UBIK® caches all the local content (which exist on the device) in the devices' memory for fast access. However, as the number of objects grows, the device might become less responsive because of the large memory consumption. Therefore, a setting is provided to control how content is cached in the memory.

IC Attention.pngThe default value for this setting is lazy loading.

Eager loading

After users log in, all content is initialized and loaded into memory. This includes the content hierarchy, object display names, property values, etc.

Lazy loading

After users log in, only the essential content is loaded initially into memory. For now, this means everything other than the property values, which are then loaded whenever needed. For example, when

  • The icons of objects are to be displayed;
  • Users need to look at the properties of objects;
  • Documents (Thumbnails) are shown.

Comparison between eager loading and lazy loading

Setting Name Memory Usage Loading Delay (See hint below) Initialization Time after Login
Lazy Loading Less More Less
Eager Loading More Less More
IC Hint square.pngLoading delay refers to the time it takes before the next level of content is available during content browsing.
IC Attention.pngWhen the setting is changed from lazy loading to eager loading, UBIK® will start loading all the content into memory in the background.

Technical background

  • MetaClass and MetaProperty are not affected by the memory usage setting since they're practically needed all the time;
  • Once an object's property values are cached under lazy loading setting, they will remain in the memory until one of the following happens:
    • The memory allocated to UBIK® is running low;
    • Offline preparation is finished with branch(es) downloaded.

See also