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ConfigureOpcUa...Item (Activity)

Revision as of 08:51, 3 February 2015 by KNO (Talk | contribs)

Configure OPC UA Variable
Name ConfigureOPCUAVariable
Purpose Configure a single OPC UA variable
Category UBIK OPC UA Interface
Returns True if successful
Version 2.4.1+

The ConfigureOPCUAVariable registers a single variable within an OPC UA Connection. Only registered variables can be accessed later on with AccessOPCUAVariable activities.


Argument Type Direction Purpose
BrowsePath String In Specifies the browse path of the item on the server e.g. "/2:Plant1/2:Machine1/2:Unit1/2:Sensor1"). For a more detailed descriptions please refer to the OPC UA specification.
AutoRead Boolean In Specifies the variable to be read from the server automatically after a connection to the server has been established.
Subscribe Boolean In Specifies that the variable should automatically be entered into a subscription with the server to be updated with any changes to its value.
Interval TimeSpan In Specifies the publishing interval to be used for the subscription. All variables using the same publishing interval are grouped together in a subscription for each publishing interval.
IndexRange OpcUaIndexRange In For arrays, specifies the index range to be read or written. If left null, the entire array will be transferred.
Result Boolean Out True if successful, false if failed


This activity is used to configure a single variable for later access within an OPC scope, only configured variables will be accessible.


The ConfigureOPCUAVariable activity, as used in the larger example "Read value from OPC variable":

UI Activity CreateOPCUAConnection Example.png

See also