
HowTo:Create UBIK Web Service Certificates

2,422 bytes added, 12:37, 2 June 2014
To make the webservice accessible from a client, the client has to establish a secure connection to the webservice. Therefore, a certificate has to be provided and installed to the IIS server running UBIK. For demonstration and testing, a temporary developer certificate can be used which bases on a self-signed root certificate. The creation and installation of a self-signed certificate can be done in the following way:
== Prerequisites ==
* Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4; To save time and bandwidth selecting ".Net Development Tools" is sufficient for certification needs.<br/><br/>[[File:WebserviceCertification_NetSDKINstallation.png‎|220 px|border|alt=Install Windows SDK]]<br/>
* Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 für Windows Desktop.<br/>
The binaries for “makecert” and "pvk2pfx" can be found here (can vary depending on the used packages):
* C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Bin
* C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\7.1\bin
* C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64 or .\x86
To use the tools you basically need a windows command console window with admin-rights and the path varible set to the directory contaning the certification binaries. If a visual studio development environment is installed, you alternatively can start a "Visual Studio Development Console" out of the start menu.
== Create self-signed Root Authority Certificate ==
This step can be ignored if there is already a root authority certificate installed to be used on the server and the client. If not, you can create a self-signed root authority certificate, provide this in the client's application package and use this as a basis for all webservices you want to acces with the client.
<code>makecert -n "CN=<SELFSIGNEDNAME>" -r -sv <SELFSIGNEDNAME>.pvk <SELFSIGNEDNAME>.cer</code><br/>
SELFSIGNEDNAME ... self-signed root authority name
<code>makecert -n "CN=Augmensys" -r -sv AugmensysCA.pvk AugmensysCA.cer</code>
== Create Temporary Service Certificate ==
To create a specific service certificate, we define the site name (IP) of our sevice along with the service name.
<code>makecert -sky <SITENAME> -iv <SELFSIGNEDNAME>.pvk -n "CN=<SITE-IP>" -sv "<SITENAME>.pvk" -ic <SELFSIGNEDNAME>.cer <SITENAME>.cer -sr currentuser -ss My</code><br/>
SITENAME ... Name of the service
SITE-IP ... IP of the service (which should be accessed from the client)
<code>makecert -sky AugDemoIIS01 -iv AugmensysCA.pvk -n "CN=" -sv "AugDamoIIS01.pvk" -ic AugmensysCA.cer AugDemoIIS01.cer -sr curren-tuser -ss My</code><br/>
While creating the certificate, the user is asked for a password to be entered, please remember this password as it it is used for further steps.
== Convert Temporary Service Certificate for import in IIS ==
The created certificate has to be converted for importing it on an IIS service.
<code>pvk2pfx -pvk "<SITENAME>.pvk" -spc "<SITENAME>.cer" -pfx "<SITENAME>.pfx" -pi <PASSWORD></code><br/>
<code>pvk2pfx -pvk "AugDemoIIS01.pvk" -spc "AugDemoIIS01.cer" -pfx "AugDemoIIS01.pfx" -pi mysecretpassword</code><br/>
Now the certificate is ready to be imported on the IIS.