
HowTo:Assign a Classification to a MetaClass

4 bytes added, 13:10, 9 December 2013
# Assign a classification to a MetaClass either by
#* using the ''[[Class Details#Classification|Classification View]]'' of the {{CD}} control and drag and drop the classification object onto the MetaClass<br/>[[File:UI Classification_02.PNG|220px|border|alt=Classification|Classification]]
#* using the ''[[Relation_Editor#Drag_.26_Drop|Relation Editor]]'' control and relate the classification object to the MetaClass via [[SYSREL_CLASSIFICATION ]] relation<br/>[[File:UI Classification_03.PNG|220px|border|alt=Classification|Classification]]
{{Hint| If a classification presupposes MetaProperties you will have to implement these to conform the classification!}}