
Interface Manager

155 bytes added, 19:48, 19 June 2013
The Interface Manager is meant for administration and testing of interfaces from or to {{UBIK}}, before deploying them to the [[UBIK EnterpriseService]].
When started, the interface manager searches for valid {{UBIK}} interface components, where an interface component can be either an assembly or a [[Workflow]].
[[File:UI_InterfaceManager.png|thumb|220px|Interface Manager]]
* it checks if those types implement either ''UBIK.Interface.IUBIKImport'' or ''UBIK.Interface.IUBIKExport'' or both
All components that fulfill those criteria will be listed in the boxes ''Import Interfaces'' and/or ''Export Interfaces''. Checking a component will mark it generally for execution with the [[{{UBIK }} EnterpriseService]], if a respective valid .command file lands in one of the folders that can be added to ''Command Directories''.