
HowTo:Install UBIK Web Service

423 bytes added, 12:26, 7 May 2013
/* Configuration of the {{UBIK}} web service */
== Configuration of the {{UBIK}} web service ==
=== Pre-requisites ===* Mobile application requires SSL authentication* A valid certificate must exist on the IIS, whereas a Self-Signed-Certificate on a local webserver if enough* Certificate has to be embedded in the mobile application by Augmensys GmbH* Create a local user "UBIK" on the web server with its own user profile* Use any password and add this user to the group "IIS_IUSRS"  === Web service components ===* Locate the public directory of the webserver (default: „inetpub"inetpub\wwwroot“wwwroot")
* Create a subdirectory and past the components of the {{UBIK}} web service
* Open the Server Manager and go to Internet Information Services Manager