
UBIK Studio Basics

566 bytes added, 07:35, 24 January 2013
/* Prerequisites */
=== Options ===
[[File:USB_Options.png|thumb|220px|upright|alt={{UBIK}} Studio settings|{{UBIK}} Studio settings]]
Locate and click the menu ''Edit->→ Options''. Press the ''{{key press|Apply'' }} or ''{{key press|OK'' Button }} when you're finished changing the settings, or ''{{key press|Cancel'' }} if you don't want your changes to be saved. The settings are user-specific and will be stored in your local windows Windows user profile.
In the options you can configure your database connection by the following parameters
* <b>DataBase</b>: SQL {| class="wikitable"|-! Parameter!! Purpose|-| ''AutoConnect''|| If set to true, the system will attempt to automatically connect to the configured database on start up|-| ''DataBase''|| The nameof your SQL Server* <b>|-| ''DataSource</b>: ''|| SQL server instance (specify a server via hostnamehost name, UNC, IP, ...)* <b>User</b>|-| ''Language''|| Set the desired database language in [http: // ISO639-1] syntax|-| ''User''|| SQL user name* <b>|-| ''Password</b>: ''|| SQL user password|-|}
Take care that the specified SQL user has appropriate permissions on the database.
Additional options are
* <b>LiveMode</b>: True / False
* <b>RecordLifeTime</b>: Integer (default -1)
{| class="wikitable"
! Parameter!! Purpose
| ''LiveMode''|| Use the relational database structure (true) or the Sandbox structure (false)
| ''RecordLifeTime''|| Set how long records are valid before the will be requeried for changes by the core; -1 to turn off
==Working with {{UBIK}} Studio==
=== Working area and controls ===
[[File:USB_Studio.png|thumb|220px|upright|alt={{UBIK}} Studio main window|{{UBIK}} Studio main window]]