PublishCommissioningWallpaperJobOrchestrator can schedule a PublishCommissioningWallpaperJob for all Projects where the ProjectStatus is Execution.
PublishCommissioningWallpaperJobOrchestrator It is an orchestrator which can be configured to be executed on the UBIK Enterprise Service and triggered by the UBIK.EnterpriseService.BasicClient.App eg. using the PathToBasicEnterpriseServiceRequestJsonFile.In and executed on the "UBIKEnterprise Service.EnterpriseService.exe.config" file the "ExecuteWebInterface" setting needs to be set to "1".<br>
In the "UBIK.EnterpriseService.BasicClient.App.exe.config" file the "PathToBasicEnterpriseServiceRequestJsonFile" setting needs to be set to the path of a json as seen below:
<source lang = "csharp">
"SQLInitialCatalog": "...",
"ClassFullname": "UBIK.MATAP.PublishCommissioningWallpaperJobOrchestrator",
"MethodName": "Apply", "MethodParametersAsJson": ""
It is recommended to use a setup with two Enterprise Services:
* One Service to receive the Orchestration request
* One Service to execute the requested Jobs