
Entry Points & Use Cases (Admin Tool)

2,076 bytes added, 13:16, 15 November 2024
* G1 General WallpaperWrite Group (UWP)
* G30 General ReadProject Group (Xamarin).
<tab Name="Turnaround Project(Use Case)">
In For the "Turnaround Project" use case, we either display all projects ( [[#Entry Points|See Entry Points => 00 - All Important]] ) or only the project for which replication has been performed ( [[#Entry Points|See Entry Points => Turnaround Project]] ).In both cases, the following properties are displayed in the columns:
* Archived
* Backup Export Path
* Create Timestamp
* Critical delay buffer
* Cultural Settings
* Description
* Document Export Path
* Handover to Contractor Activity Code
* Handover to Contractor Activity Code Order
* Handover to Contractor Commissioning Code
* Handover to Contractor Commissioning Code Order
* Icon
* Interface is active
* Location
* Name
* Planned Project End
* Planned Project Start
* Planning Plant
* Precom ready Activity Code
* Precom ready Activity Code Order
* Precom Ready Commissioning Code
* Precom Ready Commissioning Code Order
* Primavera Export Path
* Project ID
* Project Status
* Project System Status
* Project Type
* Revision Codes
* SAP Interface Is Active
* SAP System
* Scheduling Option
* Show On Wallpaper
* System
* Scheduling Option
* Show on Wallpaper
* Timesheet decline limit
* Update timestamp
== Project Status ==
This property allows you to define the status of the project.
There are 4 options available that can be chosen:
* Preparation (initial value)
* Here, the Excel files are imported, and the project is prepared.
* The current scheduling from Primavera is retrieved and also imported.
* Then the project can be assigned to a slot for testing. (Doesn't have to be live eg. push not active)
* Execution
* The project remains on the slot and can then be executed live on the wallpaper.
* Changes are only allowed outside of service hours.
* Aftercare
* The project is removed from the slot but remains in the current MaTaP database for possible discussions, reports, etc.
* Ready For Archive
* The project can be moved to an archive database—it is no longer assigned to any slot.
* If there is a backup of the database, it is stored in parallel to PROD with a .archive extension and can still be analyzed with the admin tool.
== Show On Wallpaper ==
This property allows you to assign the project to a slot, which is displayed on the wallpaper at the client depending on the Matap context.
== Whitelist ==