* Uid: Mandatory, specifies the Uid of the [[SYSCLS_OFFLINE_TEMPLATE_QUERY|offline data template query]];
* FilterContext: Optional, specifies the Uid of the context object from which the filter criteria values should be extracted and used. If unspecified, the current parent/context object where the command is triggered is used;
* EnableFilloutCriteria: Optional, whether the filter criteria of the offline data template query should be automatically filled out using the FilterContextor the default parent/context object. False if unspecified.
[[Category:Client|Data Replication (UBIK Client)]]
[[Category:Version 3.1|Data Replication (UBIK WinX)]]
[[Category:WinX|Data Replication (UBIK WinX)]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Data Replication (UBIK Client)]]
=== Replicating data templates ===