
Offline Query (UBIK WinX)

138 bytes removed, 11:17, 12 November 2024
* inclusive less than (value ⩽ ...);
* in a collection (value is A, B, ... or X, the UI support for this range definition is limited that you can't yet add or remove values in the collection).
== Technical background ==
As mentioned earlier, all offline query criteria are checked against the result candidates. The [[SYSCLS_OFFLINE_QUERY|"METACLASS_IDS"]] property of the query object determines which objects are the candidates.
== Demo videos ==
* [[media:UBIK_WinX_UI_Offline_Query.mp4|Offline querying]]
== Query with context filter values {{Version/WinXSince|4.9}}{{Version/XamarinSince|4.9}} ==
{{Attention|By design, the context filter values in the [[Dynamic_Selective_List_(Client)|dynamic selective list]] feature are applied as restrictions. So it is not allowed to overrule those values with user inputs.}}
[[Category:Pages with broken file links|Offline Query (UBIK WinX)]]
[[Category:Version 3.1|Offline Query (UBIK WinX)]]
[[Category:WinX|Offline Query (UBIK WinX)]]