

718 bytes added, 6 August
{{Hint|If you want to use the multi-tenancy feature, you must link the Login to a Consumer belonging to a tenant! {{Version/ServerSince|2.5.0}}}}
==OS_Types (since UBIK.Server 4.8)==
Types of Operating Systems can be configured for each login. Depending on the OS types of the logins, the web service uses the login with the configured os type. If there are no OS types configured (eg. OS_TYPES property is not set) for a login, the login is usable for all existing Operating Systems. When configuring multiple OS types for a login object, the types need to be separated by a semicolon.
Available OS Types:
* Unknown = 0
* Android = 1
* Win10 = 2
* Web = 3
* X_IOS = 4
* X_Android = 5
* X_Windows = 6
* WinServer = 10
* Win10Desktop = 11
* HoloLens = 12
* OS_TYPE of Login for Win10 and Android: '''2;5'''
* OS_TYPE of Login for Android: '''5'''