

1,310 bytes added, 24 June
== DocumentBatchProxyCreator ==
The DocumentBatchProxyCreator class provides the possibility to create multiple Document Proxies with the import status set to QuedForReadFromExternal.
The following two methods can be executed by e.g. using Who-Bert:
'''Example: Asking a DocumentBatchProxyCreator to create Document Proxies for all documents in a folder. The import status will be set to QuedForReadFromExternal for all of them.''
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// Getting your required MetaProxy
MetaProxy myMetaProxy = obj.Environment.UBIKDataFactory().ContentObject(new Guid("put UID of your MetaProxy here")) as MetaProxy;
// Creating a DocumentBatchProxyCreator instance
UBIK.Interface.DocumentBatchProxyCreator creator = new UBIK.Interface.DocumentBatchProxyCreator();
// calling ImportBatchOfDocuments() without filtering options
// Parameter 1: the path to the folder that contains the documents.
// Parameter 2: the MataProxy
creator.ImportBatchOfDocuments("put path to folder here", myMetaProxy);
// calling ImportBatchOfDocuments() with filtering options
// Parameter 1: string of the path to the folder that contains the documents.
// Parameter 2: the MataProxy
// Parameter 3: string of the search pattern
// Parameter 4: System.IO.SearchOption
creator.ImportBatchOfDocuments("put path to folder here", myMetaProxy, "*mySearchPattern*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
==See also==
* [[MetaProxy]]
* [[ProxyMetaProperty]]
* [[DocumentProxy]]
* [[HowTo:Configure_Proxies]]