
Roadmap Templates

134 bytes removed, 23 May
* date: The planned release date for this version.
* status: The status of the version in the form of a Roadmap Chip template, e.g. {{RoadmapChip-Released|Released}}
* content: The features that are planned for this version in the form of [[Roadmap_Templates#Roadmap_Detail_Feature|Roadmap Detail Feature]] templates, separated by line breaks.
'''Code:''' <nowiki>{{RoadmapDetailItem
| status=status
| content=
add your Roadmap Detail Feature hereadd another Roadmap Detail Feature hereadd one more Roadmap Detail Feature Features here
| status=status
| content=
add your Roadmap Detail Feature hereadd another Roadmap Detail Feature hereadd one more Roadmap Detail Feature Features here