
Entry Points & Use Cases (Admin Tool)

32 bytes removed, 30 April
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== Use Case Functionalities ==
With these two properties, you can set the order (sorting) of the Functionalities (RootItems) on the client.
See the [[SYSCLS SORTEDITEM]] and [[HowTo:Sort_Objects_on_Mobile_Client]] articles for instruction instructions on how to set up the sorting.
== Visibility on Client ==
With thisproperty, you can set the visibility of individual functionalities for the UWP and XAMARIN client.
There are 5 options available that can be chosen:
Based on these options, you can control and change the visibility of the functionalities for different clients depending on the application use. If this property changes for a functionality, the user group rights are adjusted in the background, and only users who are in the groups that have the rights can then see the functionality on the client.The users must be added to one of the following groups in order to make the visibility of the functionalities applicable to them. (:* G1 General WallpaperWrite Group (UWP), * G30 General ReadProject Group (XAMARIN)Xamarin).
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