986 bytes added,
15 March EventNotificationScanOrchestrator is an orchestrator which can be configured to be executed on the UBIK Enterprise Service e.g. using PluginExecutionConfigPath.
<source lang = "csharp">
"RepeateEveryMinutes": 10,
"SqlConnectionDefinition": {
"SSPI": false,
"SQLUser": "....",
"SQLPassword": "....",
"SQLServer": "....,
"SQLInitialCatalog": "...."
"ClassFullname": "UBIK.CUI.Orchestration.EventNotificationScanOrchestrator",
"MethodName": "Execute",
"MethodParameterPathFullName": "my_params.json",
It is possible to configure Scan parameters via the method parameter file:
<source lang = "csharp">
public class ScanServiceParameter
public int? ScanDelay { get; set; }
public int? ScanSize { get; set; }
public int? MaxProcessedProxies { get; set; }
public int? MaxProcessedNotifications { get; set; }
public double? IdleMinutes{ get; set; }