

8 bytes added, 29 February
The relevant properties of the data context (ScanViewModel) include the following.
* ScanResult.Value: The text value of the current OCR result. This constantly updates as you scan.
* ConfirmedScanValueConfirmedScanResult.Value: The text value of the confirmed OCR result. This does not update by itself and should be set/changed explicitly through user input or UI customizing.* ProcessConfirmedMarkerCommand: The command to trigger a search (offline & online when applicable) using ConfirmedScanValueConfirmedScanResult. If the latter is not yet set, the command does nothing.
* FirstScanResult: The first OCR scan result in the current scan session. Unlike ScanResult, this no longer updates after the very first value is set. This is useful when you want e.g. a behavior to automatically confirm the first scan result.