
HowTo:Debugging UBIK

1 byte added, 15 February
=== Leverage strengths ===
Usually, he the server is strong and fast, the mobile device not so much, and the network is a performance graveyard.
If you want to waste as much performance and time as possible, then you try to maximize the amount of network interactions and shift all the workload to the client application.
Vice-versa, leveraging the strengths in {{UBIK}} means to shift all the calculation and preparation to the server and deliver the results in a most compact way to the client in one request-response cycle.
[[Category:Best Practices (internal)|Debug a Customizing]]
[[Category:Resources (internal)|Debug a Customizing]]
[[Category:How-To|Debugging UBIK]]
[[Category:FAQ|Debugging UBIK]]
[[Category:How-To|Debugging UBIK]]
[[Category:Resources (internal)|Debug a Customizing]]