
HowTo:Organize UBIK Development

33 bytes added, 11:16, 13 November 2023
/* An Epic for every topic */
Tickets can be managed with any Issue Tracking or Project Management system.
==== An Epic for every topic work package====The project should be segmented into Epics first. An Epic is a large work package corresponding to a topic or an abstract use-case, with a time-limited scope.
For example, Operator Rounds (using the mobile application to do maintenance in a plant) are a classical use-case that can be managed with {{UBIK}}.
However, for the sake of project management, it makes sense to make sure Epics have a limited temporal scope as well. This means that they should be doable within a short period in time. The benefit of this is that you can collect moments of success more frequently, and you can sell those to the customer, too.