
Version 4.4 (Xamarin)

30 bytes removed, 15:05, 3 August 2023
== Preview ==
=== 4.4.? on 2023-0708-? {{key press|App Center}} ===
* PDF annotations are now automatically saved when you close the page just like with other regular content.
* Fixed an issue where work packages can not be confirmed because the calculated progress is only close to 100% due to the lost of precision.
* Fixed an issues with permissions on Android 13 that caused file import and notifications to not work anymore.
* Fixed an issue where adding a comma to existing values in the Double editor wasn't possible.
* Fixed an issue where resetting a property with a selective value doesn't work the first time.
[[Category:Client|Version 4.4 Xamarin]]
[[Category:Version 4.4|Version 4.4 Xamarin]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Version 4.4 Xamarin]]
=== 4.4.19 on 2023-07-07 {{key press|iOS: App Center}} ===