
Developer Mode

534 bytes added, 15:31, 26 July 2023
/* Other features */ Added guidance on refreshing the UI more efficiently
== Other features ==
=== Reloading the UI ===
By hitting {{key press|F5}}, all templates on the currently displayed page will be disposed of and reloaded. So if a customized XAML template file was changed, this change will be immediately reflected in the UI.
The time taken to reload the UI is proportional to the number of navigational steps taken to reach the current page (visible in UWP in the top bar). When working extensively on a specific page, it is recommended to navigate directly to that page using the search feature, in order to speed up the time taken for each successive reloading of the UI.
Furthermore, exiting Developer Mode also refreshes the UI, without disposing of it, making it an even more efficient way to immediately reflect XAML changes.
[[Category:Client|Developer Mode]]