
/* What is: NextLevel (and other similar bindings) */
== What is: NextLevel (and other similar bindings) ==
=== What is: NextLevel ===
Accessible from: ContentListItemViewModel
At times, a use-case may require that the UI is customized to show additional data that is not readily available on the ContentListItemViewModel, such as children or documents of the items in the child list. For this reason, it was made possible to access the full data of a child item, while remaining on the parent level, by using the NextLevel binding.
NextLevel is available on ContentListItemViewModel, generally by customizing the item template for the list that displays the children of the current parent object. Using this binding generates a <b>PreviewPage</b>ViewModel for that view object, which mimics navigating to those children items and loading their full data, whilst remaining at the current object.  However, any time NextLevel is invoked, the <b>entire</b> data structure for that child is loaded, even if only a single property or next-level child count is displayed in the UI. When used in a ListView item template, the load is multiplied times the number of children present under the parent object.
=== What is: ParentLevel ===
The above (when used on a content area or item) will show the value of a property (MP_PROPERTY) that is located on an object linked to the current object via GUID property (LK_LINKED_OBJECT).
[[Category:XAML|Object hierarchy in XAML: NextLevel, ParentLevel, LinkedLevel]]
== Why is NextLevel not recommended? ==