
/* The ContentViewModel(s) */
If the object has any children, these are shown as a list of Content<b>ListItem</b>ViewModel items. This viewmodel derives from the ContentViewModel to present the only most significant information of each child object. This way, the work required to load a page (including the list of its children) is reduced. Among other things, the Children and Document collections are examples of data <b>not</b> delivered to the ContentListItemViewModel, and this is why it is not immediately possible to show the children and documents of each child list item in a standard UI.
Over time, these viewmodels evolve to meet the needs of projects and customers. For example, with the release of UBIK 4.0, the Properties collections were moved to the ContentViewModel (thereby being made available on all derived viewmodels) after customizing of items to present specific Property values (previously requiring NextLevel bindings) became more common.