
Configuration Files

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Each component has a main configuration file containing basic settings not to be changed by the user. Additionally, [[#Application Specific Configuration Files|specific configuration files]] are available as separate files, whose content is also included in the configuration. {{Version/ServerSince|2.4.3}}
== Main Configuration Files ==The main configuration files for the {{UBIK Studio}} and {{UBIK Enterprise Service}} are located within the installation folder, the one of the [[Web Service|web service]] is located in the service's physical path. Respective examples files are
* '''{{UBIK}} Studio''': [[Configuration_Files/UBIK.Studio.exe.config|UBIK.Studio.exe.config]]
* '''{{UBIK}} Enterprise Service''': [[Configuration_Files/UBIK.EnterpriseService.exe.config|UBIK.EnterpriseService.exe.config]].
* '''Web Service''': [[Configuration_Files/web.config|web.configWeb_Service_Configuration]]. The configuration file of the web service additionally needs to obey rules as given in [ Configuring Services]. Common sections, existing in all main configuration files and should not be changed in general, are* '''<configSections>''': these settings include general logging and exception handling* '''<exceptionHandling>''': detailed configuration of exception handling* '''<loggingConfiguration>''': detailed configuration of logging* '''<system.serviceModel>''': behaviours for services and endpoints == Specific Configuration Files ==The specific configuration files are considered in the configuration via inclusion. For example, the tag ''<bindings configSource="Logging.config" />'' in the main configuration file adds all settings of ''Logging.config'' to the configuration.  Specific files are available for:* '''Bindings''': different configurations for data services and endpoints* '''Clients''': definitions used by the data service for connecting to the [[USAM|session management service]]* '''Logging''': configuration of destination paths, etc.* '''Runtime''': runtime specific configurations * '''Services''': used by the data service and the session management service* '''Application Settings''': configuration of the data and session management service of the web service This table shows by which component the specific files are used.<table class="defaultTable sortable">{{Item/ConfigFileHeader}}{{Item/ConfigFile|Application settings|[[Configuration_Files/AppSettings.config|AppSettings.config]]|1||}}{{Item/ConfigFile|Bindings|[[Configuration_Files/Bindings.config|Bindings.config]]|1|1|1}}{{Item/ConfigFile|Clients|[[Configuration_Files/Client.config|Client.config]]|1|1|1}}{{Item/ConfigFile|Logging|[[Configuration_Files/Logging.config|Logging.config]]|1|1|1}}{{Item/ConfigFile|Runtime settings|[[Configuration_Files/Runtime.config|Runtime.config]]|1|1|1}}{{Item/ConfigFile|Services|[[Configuration_Files/Services.config|Services.config]]|1||}}</table> == Streaming Transfer Mode ==To provide streaming transfer mode, the configurations for [[Configuration_Files/Services.config|Services.config]] and [[Configuration_Files/Bindings.config|Bindings.config]] have to provide the correct configuration described in the respective articles.
[[Category:Enterprise service|Configuration Files]]