
UBIK WinX Client Basics

88 bytes added, 13:23, 22 May 2023
/* Languages */
* Portuguese
* Spanish
{{Attention|As we found out, you can only switch to one of the supported languages if it is installed as a system language in the Windows "Preferred languages / Add a language" setting. For example, if you have only English installed when you install {{UBIK}}, you won't be able to switch to any other languages even after if you add those later. In that case, you need to make sure your language of choice is installed in Windows first, then update or reinstall {{UBIK}}. This is a Microsoft Store practice and does not apply to clients installed through sideloading, e.g. from our AppCenter.}} [[Category:Client|UBIK WinX Client Basics]][[Category:WinX|UBIK WinX Client Basics]]
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