
Version 3.7.1 (Server)

646 bytes added, 10:42, 3 May 2023
** An issue when importing handshake files from Comos is fixed now.
* 3.7.1 Build 15551 on 2023.05.03
= Build History UBIK.SmartStudio=
* 3.7.1. Build 15463 on 2023.03.13
** Comos Smart Import: Adding a meta proxy property for the Comos UID by default.
** Comos Smart Import: Added possibility to specify the full name (including the namespace) for a UBIK root meta class in the Comos XML file, e.g.: System.NAMEDBASECLASS.
** SmartModelling: Added more details to MetaProxyProperty: MulitLanguage, TargetIndex.
** Fixed issues regarding the matching of models from different sources and versions, especially system MetaProperties and MetaClasses.
* 3.7.1 Build 15464 on 2023.04.25
** Comos Smart Import: An issue where the SmartImport from Comos led to erroneous results was fixed.
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