
Property Direct Edit (Client)

6 bytes added, 13:45, 20 April 2023
/* PropertyViewModel */
* '''ValueItem.PropertyValue''': This is the value of property stored at the PropertyViewModel which can differ from the underlying property value because there can be editing changes not yet confirmed/saved. It can be read from and written to by the text box;
* '''DisplayValue''': This is the textual version of ValueItem.PropertyValue used for displaying when the InEditing is false;
* '''StartDirectEditCommand''': Sets InEdit InEditing to true and starts the direct editing session. In the example, this is linked to the tapped event of the entire template area;* '''ConfirmEditCommand''': Confirms the edit and sets InEdit InEditing to false. Even if the property value is not changed, this will give the property a new validation timestamp, technically modifying the property;
Optional command parameter for ConfirmEditCommand: ToValidate - Whether a validation timestamp should be added even if the value is unchanged when confirmed. Defaults to true if unspecified.