
Version 3.7.1 (Server)

372 bytes added, 13:25, 17 February 2023
/* Build History UBIK.Plugins */
** The Session ID was removed from file of Comos Export file name.
* 3.7.1 Build 15??? on 2023.0?.??
** CUI - The file based (old) import ignored the Ubik UID (when it was specified in the xml); this could lead to duplicate Proxies being created. This is fixed now.** CUI - The (file based) ComosImportManager provides a possibility to inject an Import Value Validator. This gives extra flexibility when applying usecase specific import logics.** Hotspotting - Flattening annotations into a revision does not update the original document any more - fixed.** Hotspotting - Flattening annotations into a rotated pdf adapts the annotations accordingly now. 
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