
Developer Mode

360 bytes added, 13:34, 10 February 2023
== Overview ==
The developer mode provides certain features to help customizing the {{UBIK}} UI and is therefore only meant to be accessed by project engineers and developers.
{{Attention|{{Version/XamarinSince|4.3}}The Xamarin clients generally don't support the developer mode due to the size restriction of the devices. On Xamarin.UWP, only the most basic functionality is available, namely you can activate the mode to see the different UI fragments being represented as those similar green boxes with respective template names.}}
== Stages ==
By hitting {{key press|F5}}, all templates on the currently displayed page will be disposed of and reloaded. So if a customized XAML template file was changed, this change will be immediately reflected in the UI.
[[Category:XAML|Developer Mode]]
[[Category:Client|Developer Mode]]
[[Category:WinX|Developer Mode]]
[[Category:XAML|Developer Mode]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Developer Mode]]