
Version 3.7.1 (Server)

146 bytes added, 10:17, 31 January 2023
* CUI Event Notification Scan Service was not able to process Notifications when returning from idle. This problem is fixed now.
* Enterprise Server: A downward compatibility issue for configuration of watch folders via interface.xml files is fixed now.
* A bug in processing Date Time Values on the Web Service is fixed now. Changing values by exact 1h (or 2h during daylight saving time) works now.
= Build History Web Service =
* 3.7.1 Build ????? 15455 on 20222023.??01.??23
** Initial release.
= Build History UBIK.Studio =
* 3.7.1 Build ????? 15455 on 20222023.??01.??23
** Initial release.
= Build History UBIK.Plugins =
* 3.7.1 Build ????? 15455 on 20222023.??01.??23
** Initial release.
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