
Version 4.2 (Xamarin)

24 bytes removed, 06:24, 10 November 2022
/* Preview */
* (iOS) Changed the NFC toggle button in the side menu to a regular button to match the actual NFC scan pattern.
[[Category:Client|Version 4.2 Xamarin]][[Category:Version 4.2|Version 4.2 Xamarin]][[Category:Xamarin|Version 4.2 Xamarin]]
=== 4.2.0 on 2022-11-04 {{key press|App Center}} ===
* Added an NFC/RFID scan to input mode in which scan results can be used as property value input instead of searching for objects.
* Added Automatic Logout feature that triggers a logout after a defined period of user inactivity.
[[Category:Client|Version 4.2 Xamarin]]