
Version 4.1 (Xamarin)

88 bytes removed, 15:43, 28 September 2022
== Release ==
=== 4.1.xx on 2022-09-xx ===
* Fixed an issue where the locked status of a (sequential) task was not updated correctly in the UI
=== 4.1.56 on 2022-09-19 {{key press|Android: Store}} ===
* Fixed an issue where the UI doesn’t update when PropertyViewModel.LinkedLevel becomes available.
[[Category:Client|Version 4.0 Xamarin]][[Category:Version 4.0|Version 4.0 Xamarin]][[Category:Version 4.1|Version 4.1 Xamarin]][[Category:Version 4.1 Xamarin|Version 4.1 Xamarin]][[Category:Xamarin|Version 4.0 Xamarin]]
== Beta ==