
Version 4.1 (Xamarin)

1,114 bytes removed, 12:17, 17 August 2022
= Release Notes =
== Important Notes ==
To give our users more time to prepare for major updates, we have now created a new app called UBIK+ in the stores. The idea is the following:
* When a major version is released, it first gets released as UBIK+;
* UBIK and UBIK+ are two separate apps and can be installed at the same time (they also have independent app data);
* While users are slowing migrating their app data and setups to the new major version (UBIK+), the old UBIK app will continue to work unaffected;
* After a certain period of time before the next major version gets released, the current major version will also be released as UBIK, replacing the old app;
* When the next major version is released, the same cycle repeats.
'''Update: Our UBIK+ app got removed and suspended due to store policies on "duplicate content". Neither Google nor Apple will make an exception, they also did not provide any alternatives to better control the app versions for different users. Therefore, we have no other choice except to continue updating our existing UBIK app, which is expected to happen around the end of 07.2022.'''
== Beta ==
=== 4.1.xx 48 on 2022-08-xx 17 {{key press|Android: Store Beta}} {{key press|iOS: Store Beta}} ===
* Fixed an issue where dynamic selective list items are not always updated when the dependent property values are changed.
* Fixed an issue where the app crashes when browsing properties with extremely long texts. (We now truncate a property's DisplayValue to max. 500 characters. If it's absolutely necessary, you can use DisplayValueUntruncated for the full text. Although please be aware, 900,000 characters seem to be beyond the capability of the Xamarin Forms Label control.)