
Version 4.1 (Xamarin)

595 bytes added, 09:51, 8 July 2022
== Notes on App Name ==
To give our users more time to prepare for major updates, we have now created a new app called UBIK+ in the stores. The idea is the following:* When a major version is released, it first gets released as UBIK+;* UBIK and UBIK+ are two separate apps and can be installed at the same time (they also have independent app data);* While users are slowing migrating their app data and setups to the new major version (UBIK+), the old UBIK app will continue to work unaffected;* After a certain period of time before the next major version gets released, the current major version will also be released as UBIK, replacing the old app;* When the next major version is released, the same cycle repeats.
== Release ==
== Beta ==
=== 4.1.x on 2022-07-x ===
* Fixed an issue where the scanner in string editors ignores the try-color-inverted-code setting.
== Beta ==
=== 4.1.43 on 2022-07-07 {{key press|Android: Store Beta}} {{key press|iOS: Store Beta}} ===
* (iOS) Fixed an issue where the enabled state in context menu does not update properly.
* Fixed an issue where content lists are not resorted when navigating back.
== Preview ==