
HowTo:Configure Dynamic Selective Lists

551 bytes added, 23:11, 29 December 2021
/* Bonus: Multi-value criterion */
* Change the IS_MULTI_VALUE_STRING property of the "SecurityClearanceCriterion" to True.
Now, after releasing the ACM meta definitions and restarting the web service, all items with security clearance levels "A" and "B" are possible choices and all of them should appear when editing "InstanceWithDynSL"'s property "LNK_WITH_DYN_SL".  {{Hint|The multi-value string criterion can be thought of as linking multiple criteria with an "OR" disjunction. If you have multiple regular criteria, all of them must match for a selective item to be accepted as a possible item. But only one of the comma-separated values of a multi-value criterion must fit for it to match!}} [[Category:Client|Configure Dynamic Selective Lists]][[Category:How-To|Configure Dynamic Selective Lists]][[Category:Studio|Configure Dynamic Selective Lists]][[Category:Web service|Configure Dynamic Selective Lists]]
== More possibilities ==