
HowTo:Configure Dynamic Selective Lists

413 bytes added, 20:03, 29 December 2021
/* Goal 1: Create a new Dynamic Selective List */
* Add the "QCS_DYN_SL" to the scope list of your ACM context.
* Add the "DynSL" instance to the infrastructure list of your ACM context.
{{Attention|Because every Dynamic Selective List is also an Offline Query technically, it's highly recommended to read the details about [[Offline_Query_(UBIK_WinX)|offline query]] first.}}
[[Category:Client|Configure Dynamic Selective Lists]]
[[Category:How-To|Configure Dynamic Selective Lists]]
[[Category:Studio|Configure Dynamic Selective Lists]]
[[Category:Web service|Configure Dynamic Selective Lists]]
== Goal 2: Create items for the Dynamic Selective List ==