| ''Customizing''|| Denote your specific folder for XAMLs that depict how the Content is displayed, here. If, by default, the value is set to ''i:nil='''true''''', then the specific XAML folder is denoted by the name of the Profile at the bottom of the Profile Description.
| ''UICompatibilityLevel''|| Determines which UI versions the client app should try to be compatible with. In major version updates, UI redesigns can happen and sometimes old UI components might even be completely removed. For example, the app bars are removed since {{Version/WinXSince|4.0}} (level 400) because their features are embedded into other parts of the new UI. For those who want to stick with the previous UI for a while, this setting just needs to set to a level earlier, e.g. 380.
| ''ExpertMode''|| This boolean field denotes whether the Metadefinitions are loaded whenever the Profile of the App is loaded anew or not. By default the value is set to '''false''', i.e. the Metadefinitions are only loaded when the Application is initialized the first time, or when all data has been purged.
== Connection ==