

471 bytes added, 12:33, 26 January 2021
/* Conditional statement */
<tab name="UWP">
If / Or statements can be evaluated using the C# syntax P0==true ? P1 : P2. In this case, if the result of the P0 expression is True, P1 true P00's value will be effected. Otherwisedisplayed in the Textblock, P2 if P1 is true P10's value will bedisplayed.
<source lang = "xml">
<Grid xmlns:ctrls="using:UBIK.WinX.Controls">
<ctrls:EvalExpression x:Name="InitialiseParameterWhenNullEvaluator" Expression="(P0==null) true ? P1 P00 : P2(P1 == true ? P10)" Context="{Binding}"> <ctrls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="P0" Value="{Binding StoredProfileParametersValues[WPType1MP_PP_STATUS], Converter={StaticResource EqualToVisConverter}, ConverterParameter=10}" /> <ctrls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="P00" Value="State1" /> <ctrls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="P1" Value="WPType1{Binding Values[MP_PP_STATUS], Converter=1{StaticResource EqualToVisConverter}, ConverterParameter=20}" /> <ctrls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="P2P00" Value="State2" /> <TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=InitialiseParameterEvaluator, Path=Result}" />
<tab name="Xamarin">
If / Or statements can also be evaluated using various C# syntax.
In this case, if the result of the P0 expression is true P00 's value will be useddisplayed in the Label, if P1 is true P10 's value will be useddisplayed.
<source lang = "xml">
<Grid xmlns:ctrls="clr-namespace:UBIK.CPL.Controls;assembly=UBIK.CPL">
[[Category:Pages with broken file links|EvalExpression]]
==See also==