

869 bytes added, 08:51, 18 January 2021
/* Evaluation without parameters */
<tab name="Xamarin">
None available yetThe following example shows how to evaluate a simple expression without using any parameters and then use the result for visibility binding.<source lang = "xml"><StackLayout xmlns:ctrls="using:UBIK.WinX.Controls"> <ctrls:EvalExpression x:Name="ExpressionEvaluator" Context="{Binding Self}" Expression="Context.Values[&quot;LK_OFFLINE&quot;]!=null || Context.Values[&quot;GUIDREF&quot;]!=null" /> <Label TextColor="#FFFFFF" IsVisible="{Binding ElementName=ExpressionEvaluator, Path=Result, Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisConverter}}" /></StackLayout ></source>The Label should be visible as long as at least one of the context object's two named properties has a value.</tab>
[[Category:Pages with broken file links|EvalExpression]]
==== Simple Calculation ====