
Version 1.1 (Xamarin)

30 bytes added, 16:13, 17 November 2020
/* Releases */
== Releases ==
=== 1.1.XX on 2020-11-XX ===
* Fixed an issue where root objects were loaded from the server on every navigation step.
* Fixed an issue where added pdf annotations could not be removed or edited anymore.
=== 1.1.80 on 2020-11-17 {{key press|internal DevOps build}} ===
* Fixed an issue where a page refresh triggered by property based list filtering causes the app to pause (as if stuck at the previous page).
* Fixed a crash related to list views on iOS.
* Fixed an issue where root objects were loaded from the server on every navigation step.
* Fixed an issue where added pdf annotations could not be removed or edited anymore.
=== 1.1.78 on 2020-11-16 ===