
View Cache

1,545 bytes added, 12:43, 19 October 2020
to trigger a updatefetch data. Please replace ContentServerAddress, ContentServicePath, AppName and ContextName with the actual service configs.
Once the view cache is ready, the response should say something like "Cache State <<ONLINE>>"
to trigger a an update. Please replace ContentServerAddress, ContentServicePath, AppName and ContextName with the actual service configs.  === GetViewStateDetails ===Gets detail information abut the view cache, it's state and the duration for loading its components. <syntaxhighlight lang="csharp"> /// <summary> /// Gets detail information abut the view cache, it's state and the duration for loading its components. /// </summary> /// <param name="appName">Name of the application.</param> /// <param name="contextName">Name of the context.</param> /// <param name="authentication">The authentication.</param> /// <returns>Detail information abut the view cache, it's state and the duration for loading its components</returns> [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "GetViewStateDetails/{appName}/{contextName}/{authentication}", Method = "GET", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)] UBIK.Service.DTO.V360.ViewCacheInfoItem[] GetViewStateDetails(string appName, string contextName, string authentication);</syntaxhighlight> To call this in a web browser, one can access<syntaxhighlight lang="html4strict">https://ContentServerAddress/ContentServicePath/GetViewStateInformation/AppName/ContextName/333b99c9-233d-41d6-848c-81fe0b13a537</syntaxhighlight>to fetch details. Please replace ContentServerAddress, ContentServicePath, AppName and ContextName with the actual service configs. As long as the ViewCache is not initiliazed (not online yet) you will only receive details about the Data Pool and its size. 
=== TestViewState===