
Smart Studio Beta History

221 bytes added, 08:49, 8 October 2020
/* Release Candidate (2020-10-XX) */
* Added missing namespaces and assembly references to the (Rosyln-based-) coding window to improve the the code analysis and IntelliSense experience
* In addition to local testing against released UBIK WebService versions, SmartStudio now also allows testing against the most recent WebService version. This allows for testing with non-released WebServices, where the respective version is always called ''NXT''. To always enforce testing against this version, just check it under ''Tools → Options → Environment → WebServices → WebService Version''
* Several spacious editor controls are now stretching across the full Inspector width
* An issue where the allow creation flag on scopes was cached erroneously was fixed. * Icons on scoped elements can now be set again; however, the change has to be confirmed in a dialog since it could affect other scopes