! Attribute!!Purpose!!Optional
| '''Protocol'''|| choose your wanted transport-protocol (typically: https, http) ||
| '''Url'''|| IP-adress IURL of your the webserver ||
| '''Port'''|| port which is assigned to the webserver ||
| '''Path'''|| specify the path where the CONTENT webservice is placed ||
| '''App'''|| app application name of your database use-case||
| '''Context'''|| context name of your database use-case||
| '''TriggerInterval'''|| specify an the interval in milliseconds seconds how often a viewcache rebuild is triggered ||
| '''OfflineCheckInterval'''|| specify an the interval in milliseconds which checks if seconds how often the viewcache server-status is offline checked |||
| '''LogPath'''|| specify the path where your logs should be placed ||
| '''USAMUrl'''|| ? Webserver URL of the USAM ||
| '''USAMPort'''|| ? port which is assigned to the USAM webserver ||X
| '''USAMProtocol'''|| ? choose your wanted transport-protocol (https, http) ||X
| '''USAMPath'''|| specify the path where the USAM webservice is placed ||
| '''USAMLogin'''|| state specify the user name that allows to login name which is used for triggering the viewcache build ||
| '''USAMPwd'''|| state specify the belonging password from your given user name which is used for triggering the viewcache build||
| '''USAMDeviceName'''|| state a specify the device name which is used for triggering the viewcache build ||
<add key="Index" value="?"/>
<add key="Protocol" value="https"/>
<add key="Url" value=""/> <add key="Port" value="888yourServerPort"/> <add key="Path" value="CLIENT/UBIK/CONTENTyourServerPath"/> <add key="App" value="APP_001yourApplicationName"/> <add key="Context" value="CXT_001yourContextName"/> <add key="TriggerInterval" value="1800yourTriggerInterval" /> <add key="OfflineCheckInterval" value="60yourCheckingInterval" /> <add key="LogPath" value="D:\UBIK\LOG\VCL\log.txtyourLogPath"/> <add key="USAMUrl" value="?yourUSAMServerName"/> <add key="USAMPort" value="?yourUSAMServerPort"/> <add key="USAMProtocol" value="?https"/> <add key="USAMPath" value="CLIENT/UBIK/USAMyourUSAMServerPath"/> <add key="USAMLogin" value="ubikyourLoginName"/> <add key="USAMPwd" value="ubikpwdyourLoginPassword"/> <add key="USAMDeviceName" value="satelliteyourDeviceName"/>