
View Cache Launcher

857 bytes added, 10:57, 23 July 2020
After unpacking the VCL binaries and config-files, move the files to a directory where the local system account (or the specified one configured to run the VCL service) is allowed to execute the "install.bat". This file installs the UBIK.VCL.exe as a service.
The VCL is configured in “UBIK.VCL.Service.exe.config":
* StatusURI{| class="wikitable" | width = "100%"|-! Attribute!!Purpose!!Optional|-| ''-Protocol'|| choose your wanted transport-protocol (typically: configure the service https) || |-| ''-Url''|| IP, the webservice path, appand context according -adress of your webserver |||-| ''-Port''|| port which is assigned to the installed UBIKwebserver |||-| ''-configuration on Path''|| specify the IIS.path where the CONTENT webservice is placed ||* TriggerUri: see StatusURI|-* | ''-App''|| app name of your database |||-| ''-Context''|| context name of your database |||-| ''-TriggerInterval: when the viewcache is already active, refresh it at least after this '|| specify an milliseconds ||* |-| ''-OfflineCheckInterval: when ''|| specify an interval in milliseconds which controls ? ||||-| ''-LogPath''|| specify the viewcache can not path where your logs should be contacted or is offline, retry placed || |-| ''-USAMUrl''|| ? |||-| ''-USAMPort''|| ? |||-| ''-USAMPath''|| ? |||-| ''-USAMLogin''|| state the user name that allows to trigger login |||-| ''-USAMPwd''|| state the viewcache at least after this time interval.belonging password from your given user name |||-| ''-USAMDeviceName''|| state a device name |||-|-|}
<add key="StatusUriProtocol" value="https:/"/> <add key="Url" value="" /> <add key="TriggerUriPort" value=""/> <add key="Path" value="CLIENT/UBIK/CONTENT"/UbikContent.svc/TriggerViewStateUpdate/> <add key="App" value="APP_001"/CXT_002> <add key="Context" value="CXT_001" /> <add key="TriggerInterval" value="72001800" />
<add key="OfflineCheckInterval" value="60" />
<add key="LogPath" value="D:\UBIK\LOG\VCL\log.txt"/> <add key="USAMUrl" value="C:\my_sandbox\UBIK.VCL.LOG\log.txt"/> <add key="USAMPort" value="C:\my_sandbox\UBIK.VCL.LOG\log.txt"/> <add key="USAMPath" value="CLIENT/UBIK/USAM"/> <add key="USAMLogin" value="ubik"/> <add key="USAMPwd" value="****"/> <add key="USAMDeviceName" value="satellite"/>
Please duplicate the entries used and add a number suffix. Here is an example:
<source lang="xml">
<add key="StatusUri1Protocol" value="" /><add key="StatusUri2Protocol01" value="" />
etcThe number should be continously incremented by one, if there is a number missing in-between (-> e.g. Protocol, Protocol01, Protocol03,..), the last executed will be Protocol01.