* BaseAddress: This is the base address on which the EnterpriseService hosts its WebInterface. You can find it in the appsettings section (WebInterfacePort & WebInterfaceHost) in the UBIK.EnterpriseService.exe.config file of your EnterpriseService installation path. The default value is http://localhost:9000
* PathToBasicEnterpriseServiceRequestJsonFile: This is a file path to a json file that contains all parameters needed to execute a task. As an example:
<source lang="xmljson">
"SSPI": false,
Of course you can also write or use any other implementation or client technology to call the WebInterface. I suggest to learn from the UBIK.EnterpriseService.WebInterfaceClient on how to use the API.
=== How to extend the web interface ===
The EnterpriseService not only hosts a WebInterface it allows you to extend it by adding your own controllers. For this you have to do two steps:
# Create your own controller that derives from System.Web.Http.ApiController
# Place the assembly to the EnterpriseService Injection directory
As an example a controller can be implemented like this:
<source lang="csharp">
using System.Web.Http;
namespace PluginLibrary
public class MyExtentionController : ApiController
public void DoThingsWithObject(string param)
// Do things here
== Configuring {{UBIK}} EnterpriseService ==