
UBIK Enterprise Service

230 bytes added, 07:31, 10 July 2020
* PathToBasicEnterpriseServiceRequestJsonFileList: It may seem overly complicated to add a file path that contains itself again paths to the actual request-files. But if someone wants to enqueue a couple of tasks this file will become utterly cluttered. Also it orders the task requests.
==== Own Implementation ====
Of course you can also write or use any other implementation or client technology to call the WebInterface. I suggest to learn from the UBIK.EnterpriseService.WebInterfaceClient on how to use the API.
* PathToBasicEnterpriseServiceRequestJsonFileList: It may seem overly complicated to add a file path that contains itself again paths to the actual request-files. But if someone wants to enqueue a couple of tasks this file will become utterly cluttered. Also it orders the task requests.
== Configuring {{UBIK}} EnterpriseService ==